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Do You Know ?

Bertha Benz (1849-1944) committed world's first car theft on August 5, 1888, which was a crime we can all stand up and cheer for.  She was the business partner and wife of automobile inventor Karl Benz.

It was early in the morning, and her husband was still sleeping. Bertha just left a note on the table that she had already left for Pforzheim, Germany, 90 km away.
She purposely did not mention her means of transportation.

Bertha and her two sons pushed the car out of the workshop and started it only after it was out of Karl's earshot. On her way to Pforzheim the car burnt out the brake shoes. Bertha stopped off at a cobbler and asked him to fit the brake shoes with a leather lining

She is credited for the first person to stole a car, first lady to drive an automobile over a long distance, inventor of brake lining in automobile.

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