Detail of Misssing Person

Misssing Persons

photo photo

Name:  NAME

Guardian:  DOSOWO

Address:  ADDRESS

Age:  AGE

Gender:  GENDER

Religion:  RELIGION

Height:  HT

Built:  BUILT

complexion:  COMPLEXION

Eye colour:  EYE

Hair colour:  HAIR

Indentification:  IDENTIFICATION

Indentification (other):  IDENTIFICATION_OTH

Mother Tongue:  TONGUE

Guardian:  HABIT

Qualification:  QUALIFICATION

Wearing Apparels:  CLOTH

Date & Time of Missing :  MIS_DT

Place of missing:  MIS_PLACE

Informant:  INFORMANT

Informant's Contact:  INF_CONTACT

Relation:  INF_REL

Police Station:  Arambagh PS

G.D.E No. & Date:  GDE

MP case No.:  MPCASE

Recording Officer:  OFFICER